Suggested Reading for Grief
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement Website:
Pet Loss Resources from OVRS:
Michigan Pet Loss Resources (Support Groups):
Making Health Care and/or End-of-Life Decisions for Your Companion Animal
- A Final Act of Caring, Herb & Mary Montgomery, Montgomery Press, 1999.
- A Snowflake in My Hand, Samantha Mooney, Delta, 1989.
- Kindred Spirit, Kindred Care: Making Health Decisions on Behalf of our Animal Companions, Shannon Fujimoto Nakaya, DVM, New World Library, 2005.
- Pets Living with Cancer, Robin Downing, DVM, American Animal Hospital Association, 2000.
- Preparing for the Loss of Your Pet: Saying Goodbye with Love, Dignity and a Peace of Mind, Myrna Milani, Prima Lifestyles Publishing, 1998.
- The Final Farewell: Preparing for and Mourning the Loss of your Pet, Marty Tousley & Katherine Heurman, Pals Publishing, 1997
- Without Regret: A Handbook for Owners of Canine Amputees, Susan Neal, Doral Publishing, 2002
Books/Audio Recording for Adults Coping with the Loss of a Companion Animal
- A 30-Day Guide to healing from the loss of your pet, Gael J. Ross, LCSW, Broken Heart Press, 2010.
- Bill at Rainbow Bridge, Dan Carrison, Modern Family Classics Publishing, 2010.
- Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet, Moira Anderson Allen, Dog Ear Publishing, LLC, 2007.
- Coping with the Loss of a Pet, Christina Lemieux, W.R. Clark, 1992.
- Crossing the Rubicon: Celebrating the Human-Animal Bond in Life and Death, Julie Kaufman, Xenophone Publications, 1999.
- Forever in My Heart: Remembering my Pet’s Life, Herb & Mary Montgomery, Montgomery Press, 2000.
- Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet, Gary Kowalski, New World Library, 2006.
- Goodbye My Friend Herb & Mary Montgomery, Montgomery Press, 2001.
- Grieving the Death of a Pet, Betty Carmack, Augbburg Fortress Publishers, 2003.
- It’s Okay to Cry: Warm Compassionate Stories that Help You Find Hope and Healing after the Death of a Beloved Pet, Maria Luz Quintana, Shari Veleba, & Harley King, K & K Communications, 2000.
- Journey Through Pet Loss, Deborah Antinori, Yoko Spirit Publications, 2000, Audio Recording.
- Legacies of Love: A Guide to Healing from the Loss of your Animal Loved One, Theresa Wagner, Matters of the Heart, 1998, Audiobook.
- My Personal Pet Remembrance Journal, Enid Samuel Traisman, Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital, 1997.
- Pet Loss and Human Emotion: A Guide to Recovery, 2nd Ed., Cheri Barton Ross and Jane Baron-Sorenson, Routledge, 2006.
- Pet Loss: A Thoughtful Guide for Adults and Children, Herbert Nieburg, Harper and Row, 1983.
- Surviving the Heartbreak of Choosing Death for Your Pet: Your Personal Guide for Dealing with Pet Euthanasia, Linda Mary Peterson, Greentree Publishing, 1997.
- The Loss of a Pet: A Guide to Coping with the Grieving Process When a Pet Dies, Wallace Sife, 3rd Ed. Howell Book House NY, 2005.
- Three Cats, Two Dogs: One Journey Through Multiple Pet Loss, David Congalton, NewSage Press, 2000.
- When Only the Love Remains: The Pain of Pet Loss (Hardcover), Emily Margaret Stuparyk, Hushion House, 2000.
- When Your Pet Dies: How to Cope with Your Feelings, Jamie Quackenbush, & Denise Graveline, Pocket Press, 1988.
Books for Adults to help Children Cope with and/or Understand the Loss of a Companion Animal
- A Gift From Rex: Guiding Children Through Life and Loss, Jim Kramer, DVM, CVPM, Beaver’s Pond Press, 2001.
- Because of Flowers and Dancers, Sandra Brackenridge, Veterinary Practice Publishing, 1994.
- Children Also Grieve : Talking About Death And Healing, Linda Goldman, Jessica Kingsley Pub, 2005.
- Children and Pet Loss: A Guide for Helping, Marty Tousley, Our Pals Pub, 1996
- Pet Loss and Children: Establishing a Healthy Foundation, Cheri Barton Ross, Routledge, 2005.
- Raising Our Children To Be Resilient : A Guide To Helping Children Cope With Trauma in Today’s World, Linda Goldman, Brunner-Routledge 2005.
Books to be Read by or to Children
- A Dog Like Jack, Dyanne DiSalvo-Ryan, Holiday House, 1999.
- A Special Place for Charlee: A Child’s Companion Through Pet Loss, Debra Morehead, Partners in Publishing LLC, 1996.
- Badger’s Parting Gifts, Susan Varley, Lothrop, Lee and Shepard, 1984.
- Cat Heaven, Cynthia Rylant. Scholastic, 1997.
- Dog Heaven, Cynthia Rylant, Scholastic, 1995.
- For Every Cat an Angel, Christine Davis, Lighthearted Press, 2000.
- For Every Dog an Angel, Christine Davis, Lighthearted Press, 2003.
- Goodbye Mousie, Robie Harris, Simon and Schuster Children’s, 2001.
- I’ll Always Love You, Hans Wilhelm, Dragonfly Books, 1988.
- I Remember: A Book About My Special Pet, Herb and Mary Montgomery, Montgomery Press, 2000. (Journal/Workbook/Scrapbook)
- Jasper’s Day, Marjorie Blain Parker, Kids Can Press, 2002.
- My Pet Died, Rachel Biale, Tricycle Press, 1997. (A journal/scrapbook.)
- Remembering Pets: A Book For Children who have Lost a Special Friend, Gina Dalpre-Berman, Robert D. Reed Publishers, 2001.
- Remembering My Pet, Nechama Liss-Levinson & Molly Phinney-Baskette, Skylight Paths Publishing, 2007. (Journal/Workbook/Scrapbook)
- Tear Soup, Pat Schweibert & Chuck DeKlyen, Perinatal Loss, 2001.
- The Dead Bird, Margaret Brown, Harper Collins, 1995.
- The Legend of the Rainbow Bridge, William Britton. Savannah Publishing, 1994.
- The Tenth Good Thing About Barney, Judith Viorst, Aladdin Books, 1987.
- Tough Boris, Mem Fox, Harcourt, 1998
- Ages 5-8. Boris von der Borch is a mean, greedy old pirate…but when Boris’ parrot dies, he mourns and cries like everyone else.
- When a Pet Dies, Fred Rogers, The Putnam and Grosset Group, 1988.
- When Friendship Lives Beyond the Stars, Dr. Amy Sugar. May only be able to get this book directly from